
#TogetherWeMother | It Takes A Villiage

I was made a mother at the age of 23. At that time life was still a fairytale to me. I pictured my life consisting of waking my family up with the smell of homemade baked pies every Sunday morning, making all homemade baby food picked from a garden that I tended to daily, and planning for holidays months in advance. In reality, I found myself divorced and all alone with a baby by the time Madelyn was two years old. I grew up always dreaming of becoming a mother and dreaming of the fairytale life that most women dreamt of; finding a loving husband who would be your first and last love and raising a model family that you see in movies with picket white fences. What I got was the complete opposite. What I got was real life.

There wasn’t a particular moment that made me realize that I couldn’t do it alone. I think that message came to me gradually because for a long time, I still tried to do it alone, even though help was just a phone call away. The stubborn 23 year old me was still holding onto the thought that to be a good mother, I needed to do it all. I need to show my daughter that I was all that she needed.  As time passed, the responsibilities of raising a child when I was a child myself became harder and harder. I found myself crying from the stress of working full time and doing everything alone without any help. After seeing me struggle for so long in misery, my parents finally insisted that I let them help and thankfully, I listened.

Letting go of unrealistic ideas was something I struggled with and because I held on so tightly to those expectations, it was really hard to let others in. My parents started to help me with picking Maddy up from daycare everyday and watching her till I got home. This simple task alone became such a lifesaver for me. Little by little their roles became larger and larger in Maddy’s life and mine.  I am so glad that I accepted the help that was offered to me because the relationship between my children and my parents is the most beautiful thing that I get to witness. Their love for one another is remarkable and something that I could never give my children alone. Accepting that it takes a village is a lesson that took a while for me to learn, but in the end, it has become one of the most valuable lessons in my life. I think in life we all strive to be the best versions of ourself for our children but sometimes we fail to realize that the best version of ourselves can only derive from the help of others. 

I was lucky enough to be asked by Ana of Lucky Penny Blog to be apart of a monthly series called #TogetherWeMother. Each month a new topic will be picked and we get to share our thoughts and experiences with our audiences. As mothers, our roles are so vital and with that, the responsibilities and burdens can be heavy to carry. The idea of this series is to offer each other support and love in knowing that we don’t have to do it alone. In solidarity we can find strength. I invite you to visit the participating mother’s involved in this series and read about their own experiences because #TogetherWeMother.


#TogetherWeMother | It Takes A Villiage

I was made a mother at the age of 23. At that time life was still a fairytale to me. I pictured my life consisting of waking my family up with the smell of homemade baked pies every Sunday morning, making all homemade baby food picked from a garden that I tended to daily, and planning for holidays months in advance. In reality, I found myself divorced and all alone with a baby by the time Madelyn was two years old. I grew up always dreaming of becoming a mother and dreaming of the fairytale life that most women dreamt of; finding a loving husband who would be your first and last love and raising a model family that you see in movies with picket white fences. What I got was the complete opposite. What I got was real life.


How I edit my Instagram pictures

What app is that? How do you get your pictures to look so clean? What is your favorite filter? These are some of the questions I get asked on instagram pretty frequently and today I'll be sharing all my tricks and tips with you on how I edit my pictures. First off, let me start by saying that I am a person that pays very close attention to detail. It took me a long time to figure out what works for me and I'm still learning as I go. Feed cohesion is something that draws me when I look at other accounts and I wanted the same factor for mine. It wasn't until I really took the time to "practice" editing pictures that finally found a style that worked for me. 

Before the editing even comes into play, I always tell those that ask me to make sure your lens are clean! So far I have been shooting strictly with only my iPhone 6 Plus. A lot of times the lens on my phone tends to get dirty with fingerprints or even with just dust from being tossed around in my purse so I always make it a priority to wipe down my lens before I shoot. I always like to take a few test shots to see where the best lighting will be before I prop, or in most cases, plop Mila down to take the picture. Natural lighting without flash produces the best "RAW" results for me.

Here are a list of apps hat I usually use to edit my photos before posting on IG:

VSCO: I know you've all heard of this app before and it truly is amazing. I use this as my main filter app. I tend to like the A4, A6, HB 1, HB 2, and M5 filters and my main adjustments usually are to correct the tone, temperature, and skin tone features. I tend to lean towards cooler tones to give my images a more crisp look so toning down the temperature or saturation is something I always try to play with.

Snapseed: I mainly like to use this app when I have darker shadows in some areas of my shot. This app allows you to adjust exposure, contrast, and saturation in multiple selected areas vs the whole photo. Great app for editing food photos!

Instagram: Believe or not but I actually love the built in filters that Instagram offers. I love finishing off my photos with the Aden or Sierra filters to give it a "creamier" look.  Since Instagram's editing tools are a bit more sensitive than VSCO's I'll sometimes use their controls to fine tune some color balances before I post.

UNUM: Ever edit a photo that you thought looked great only to upload it onto your feed and the color is completely off? Well problem solved. Unum is an app that allows you to plan your posts ahead of time. I like to use it to see if my edited photos will fit the theme of my already posted pictures. My favorite post planning app is Planoly but it requires a monthly subscription after the free trial period. Unum is free to use.

There are a slew of options to play with and tons of directions that you can go. I follow accounts that focus more on warm earthy tones such as my girl Geneva from @cosmic.american to those that focus more on darker shadows. It's all a matter of preference and draws you! Whatever your choice is, these apps are more than ample to help you step up your feed flow. There you have it. These are all my go to apps for all my photo editing needs. I hope you found it helpful and tag me or leave a comment to let me know if they worked for you! ALSOO...if you love those Freshly Picked Moccasins in the picture above, be sure to check out my @wintersplume's Instagram account this evening for a fun giveaway!


How I edit my Instagram pictures

What app is that? How do you get your pictures to look so clean? What is your favorite filter? These are some of the questions I get asked on instagram pretty frequently and today I'll be sharing all my tricks and tips with you on how I edit my pictures. First off, let me start by saying that I am a person that pays very close attention to detail. It took me a long time to figure out what works for me and I'm still learning as I go. Feed cohesion is something that draws me when I look at other accounts and I wanted the same factor for mine. It wasn't until I really took the time to "practice" editing pictures that finally found a style that worked for me. 


Bikini Season

Life's been pretty hectic lately but I'm not going to make excuses for not blogging. It simply just wasn't something I had time for until now. Aside from sharing pictures on Instagram I really missed being able to share more content and just life without worrying if my pictures will be in cohesion with my feed. I'm just going to jump right back into it.

Last week Minnow Swim, a new children's swimsuit line, sent us the most adorable (umm my size too please) swimsuits for the girls. I'm sure you guys have seen these darling suits around and I have to say, in person they're even better! So darling. I am slightly obsessed and need MORE! Thank goodness we live in the desert so these guys will be rocking them into late October! We're headed to the pool today, and by headed I mean to our back yard and by pool I mean kiddie pool, to try and beat this heat. I swear, in my next life I will live somewhere where there's four seasons. Freezing, warm, hot, and hell doesn't really count!

Swimsuits: Minnow Swim

© 2025 Kikhaly
Maira Gall